Hello Grasshoppa, In the complex world of personal finance, making the right decisions is crucial for long-term financial security. Unfortunately, certain common pitfalls can undermine even the best-laid financial plans. In this article, we’ll explore some critical financial decisions to avoid, helping you navigate the path to a more secure financial future. 1. Neglecting Emergency […]
Bankin’ on Your Phone: Is GXBank the Future of Malaysian Finance?
Hello Grasshoppa, In 2022, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) unleashed five digital bank licenses like hungry tigers into the financial jungle. One of those tigers, GXBank, just roared to life last September, and let me tell you, it’s gonna change the game. I have recently seen the news on the launch & after seeing it multiple […]
2023 In Review & Aspirations For 2024
Hello Grasshoppa, 2023 has passed, and now we find ourselves at the beginning of 2024, where many of us are setting our New Year resolutions. It’s always good to have resolutions, but sticking to them is more important to ensure we can achieve what we’ve planned. There’s something I often share with my loved ones […]
9 Reasons Why You Can’t Save Money
Hello Grasshoppa, Most of our parents and schools teach us about saving from a young age. How many of us manage to build these habits from childhood into our adult lives? I remember having my savings jar, “tabung,” but it was always empty. In fact, my saving habits improved as I approached my late twenties […]
Why I Prefer Online Shopping Over In-Store Purchases
Hello Grasshoppa, As I examine my recent shopping patterns, I’ve noticed a gradual shift from in-store shopping to online shopping over the years. I can’t recall my last local in-store purchase because, for local shopping, I have completely transitioned to online channels. I only resort to in-store purchases when I’m traveling. When I began to […]
My Take On The Current State Of Digital Payments In Malaysia
Hello Grasshoppa, We are currently living in a state where the majority of our payments are made through e-wallets, particularly the Touch’nGo (TNG) e-wallet. Even when we dine at hawker stalls, we can easily pay for our meals using TNG. I can’t remember the last time I withdrew cash from my bank account; however, there […]
Quantifying Your Financial Goals Using The SMART Financial Goals
Hello Grasshoppa, Most of us have a financial plan that we use as a guideline for our financial goals. Some can be as detailed as quantifying the actual numbers & some can just be as simple as wanting to live comfortably. Both can be good or bad depending on how one looks at his/her financial […]
How To Build Good Spending Habits
Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post on How To Live A Rich Life With Your Current Income, I touched on how you can spend your money on your passion or hobby. To summarize, it’s all about allocating a certain percentage of your money toward what you enjoy, allowing for guilt-free spending. You may read more on that […]
My Honest Review On AirAsia Super+ Subscription
Hello Grasshoppa, When IÂ initially wrote about AirAsia Super+ Subscription last year, I had doubts about whether it was worth it or not after my purchase. There were a few thoughts that I had after my purchase, which are on my travel frequency and also my ability to utilize all the other perks. At that time, […]
How I Find The Perfect Credit Card to Suit My Needs
Hello Grasshoppa, With the discontinuation of the AirAsia credit card, I was struggling to find a replacement credit card that is able to suit my lifestyle. While the Sutera credit card is an option, I find it to be rather a mediocre card for my needs. Perhaps for some users, this is the best credit card […]