New Robo-Advisor In Town That Will Turn Your Spare Change Into Investment

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently I found something interesting in my social media platform about a Robo-Advisor that can turn my spare change into investment. This concept is not something new in the world as there is a  similar platform in the USA called Acorns. I’ve been fascinated by the concept of Acorns where they will invest […]

What Can You Invest With RM100 or Lesser

Hello Grasshoppa, One of the earliest posts when I started to write my blog is What Can You Invest With RM1000. That was in February 2018. It is crazy to know that BBM Blog have been active for the past 2 years & BBM is rated as one of the best personal finance websites in […]

How To Start Your Investment Journey Without A Financial Planner

Hello Grasshoppa, In my many encounters with friends & family, it is common to hear them expressing their interest to invest but they don’t know how to & where to begin. It is easier said than done especially when they are making money-related decisions. Many people opt for easier options where they just want to […]

How To Automate Your Investment

Hello Grasshoppa, In today’s society, we often hear people expressing their lack of time to look into their investments or to explore any investments out there. There are also cases where the rich  have lots of money but they have no time to manage or grow their cash. Of course the they can always opt […]

Is It Worth It To Invest In Mutual Fund?

Hello Grasshoppa, Is it worth it to invest in Mutual Fund? This is a common argument among many investors & investment gurus about how bad or good mutual fund is but when we look at the history of mutual fund in Malaysia, company like Public Mutual is ranked the best Mutual Fund company in Malaysia […]

Mutual Fund vs Robo-Advisor. Which Investment Is Better For You?

Hello Grasshoppa, In the past, I have some posts about Mutual Fund & Robo-Advisor but I have never made any comparison of both investments before. What are the common similarities and differences of both investment platforms? Today we will be exploring more on both investments to see which investment suits you better. As an investor, […]

9 Principles To Ensure Your Investment Is Profitable

Hello Grasshoppa, Everyone always hope or want their investment to be profitable. Isn’t that true? Yes I know, I may sound funny when I asked this question. But come to think about it, everyone wants their investment to be profitable but do they know how? Do they have a basic principle or set of rules […]

How To Invest Like Peter Lynch

Hello Grasshoppa, If you are into investment & book reading, you might have heard of Peter Lynch. For those that have not hear his name before, who is Peter Lynch? He is considered by many as One of the Best Investors of All Time. He is widely known for achieving 29.2% Annualized Return from 1977 […]

12 Best Personal Finance Apps For Malaysian 2019

Hello Grasshoppa, Budget Planning, Managing Money & Investment have never been easier with the latest technology & mobile app. Some of you might remember or have came across someone that write their expenses or savings amount in a notebook. Or maybe you are actually the one that track your expenses or savings with a notebook. […]

How To Invest In Gold In Malaysia

Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post on What Can You Invest With RM1000, I have shared on where can you buy Gold via Bank or other platform. Today we will be looking at How To Invest in Gold in Malaysia. Before we start, lets watch a mind blowing video on some Interesting Fact about Gold & […]