Hello Grasshoppa, We live in a world where technology is so advanced that everything can be accessible in the palm of our hands. As long as you have a smartphone, you can be updated on your friend’s latest status, the world’s latest news, play games, watch videos & many more. Depending on how you use […]
My 4th Year As A Personal Finance Blogger. How Is My Journey So Far?
Hello Grasshoppa, When I started BBM Blog, my main reasons were to share my personal finance journey towards my retirement & also as a guide to my readers out there. Over the years, I grew my blog from a small blog with a few readers to one of the top bloggers in Malaysia. Aside from […]
My Experience Being Part Of HSBC Wealth Webinar Panelist
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I was one of the panelists alongside Suraya (Ringgit Oh Ringgit) & Ken (HSBC) moderated by Roshan Kanesan (RinggitPlus). Being part of the HSBC webinar has definitely been a momentous experience since I started my blog. With the attendance of over 400 people, I am glad to hear lots of positive feedback […]
Websites & Apps That Can Help You Save Money
Hello Grasshoppa, Since the pandemic started, many of us have transitioned to online shopping for convenience. During this period, some of us tend to spend more especially when there is so much attractive stuff out there. Most probably you will see stuff that you never need or use anymore lying down somewhere in your house […]
Should You Consider Withdrawing Your EPF Savings For 2022?
Hello Grasshoppa, EPF has recently announced a Special Withdrawal facility effective 1st April 2022. As of my writing, there are not many details announced yet on the procedure but members below age 55 can withdraw as low as RM50 & up to a maximum of RM10,000. Members are required to utilize their EPF Account 2 […]
Can Malaysian Survive Based On Minimum Wage?
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, PM Ismail Sabri has announced that the RM1,500 minimum wage will be effective on 1st May 2022. With the hit of the recent pandemic, we’ve seen an increase in transportation cost, raw material cost, food & other costs. Those shortages of supply vs demand have caused the price to hike up. The […]
Principles Of Purchasing That Will Save You Money
Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever wanted to buy something so badly without having to wait for a potential sale or promotion? I know I have, but as many of us know, we shouldn’t buy based on a compulsive decision but rather we should give it a day or two before we make our purchase. Most […]
Is The 4% Rule Still Applicable For Your Retirement Planning?
Hello Grasshoppa, The ideal amount that I need to retire is to have RM4 million by the age of 40 with no debts. Once I have retired, I will be traveling the world & I aim to travel to at least 200 countries before I die. It is just 5 years from now before my […]
How To Make Money With Your Old Items
Hello Grasshoppa, Making money sometimes can be as simple as selling something that you already have. That’s right. Inspired by the latest Netflix documentary called the Tinder Swindler, the show talks about a real-life Casanova who swindled women out of large sums of money. In a plot twist, one of the girls took the scammer’s […]
How To Finally Get Out Of Debt After You’ve Tried EVERYTHING
Hello Grasshoppa, Do you ever dread paying your monthly credit card bills or other loans? I personally feel so even though I don’t have much debt aside from my house & car loan. I bought my second car in 2020 when my first car was in a condition where it was giving me multiple issues. When I […]