Principles Of Purchasing That Will Save You Money

Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever wanted to buy something so badly without having to wait for a potential sale or promotion? I know I have, but as many of us know, we shouldn’t buy based on a compulsive decision but rather we should give it a day or two before we make our purchase. Most […]

How To Live Frugally Without Looking Cheap

Hello Grasshoppa, As humans, we sometimes get judgemental towards how frugal or cheap someone is. Some people often equate being frugal as being cheap. To me, living frugally does not mean that they are cheap. Living frugally means that they have controlled spending & avoid spending money unnecessarily. Each of us has a frugal side […]

Personal Finance Guide For Young Adults

Hello Grasshoppa, Many years ago, when I first started working, I had no clue about financial literacy & the best part of all, I had zero knowledge on how to invest. Back then, I spent most of my money on entertainment like drinking to partying, piling up credit cards & other unnecessary debts. As a […]

How To Save RM10,000 In ONE Year

Hello Grasshoppa, As we are approaching the end of 2021, most of us will be having our new year financial resolution or even reviewing our yearly expenses. This is important for many of us as it will help us understand better our personal finance & spending habits. If saving more money is part of your […]

How Can Money Buy You Happiness

Hello Grasshoppa, How do you define happiness? Is it something link to money or money does not matter to you? Most people will always link their happiness to money & they will usually say money can buy you happiness. Agree or disagree? Personally, I think that money can buy me happiness. Why? I’ve been talking a […]

The Best Way To Manage & Track Your Credit Card Spending

Hello Grasshoppa, Over the years, I have had a love-hate relationship with credit cards where my spending habits had led me to maximise my credit card limit. Even after I cleared my debts, I remembered that I tried to apply for a credit card which got rejected. That situation then led me to live a life […]

Is “Buy Now, Pay Later’ Good For Malaysians?

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, many companies are offering Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) payment plan where you are able to purchase the item you want & pay it within 3-6 months via instalment. Some companies even offer you to purchase now & pay it a lump sum the following month. There are many thoughts & views […]

Is Credit Card Your Best Friend Or Enemy?

Hello Grasshoppa, Is credit card your best friend or enemy? It is a common debate that many people have as some may find credit cards to be bad while some actually think that it can be your best friend when used well. Whether it is good or evil, it provides you with the same function […]

5 Subscription Hacks Will Save You Money

Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post, I have written about How Will Your Monthly Subscriptions Affect Your Financial & one of the details that I touched on was to source cheaper options. Over the years, I have subscribed & unsubscribed to many platforms until recently when I moved to a new house & bought a new TV, […]