GXBank vs AEON Bank: Which Is Better?

Hello Grasshoppa, As a user of both GXBank & AEON Bank for months, I have come to the conclusion of which is my favourite digital bank. Before I go further into which is my favourite, the launch of the digital bank has truly been a game changer in Malaysian banking industries, especially for users like us. In the past, […]

With the Closure of More Financial Start-Up Companies, What’s Next?

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I received an announcement from Raiz that they will be exiting the Malaysian market. As of my writing, there has been no official announcement from the Malaysian entity, but by the time this post is published, they should have already shared their next steps & actions. This news isn’t very reassuring since it […]

Should You Open An Account with AEON Bank?

Hello Grasshoppa, Today marks the official launch of AEON Bank’s digital banking services, making them the first Shariah-compliant and Islamic digital bank in Malaysia. Building on my positive experience with GXBank, I am eager to explore and understand more about AEON Bank’s products and services. Here are a few compelling reasons to consider opening an […]

How Much Should You Allocate to Fund Your Hobby?

Hello Grasshoppa, Today, let’s talk about something that’s close to our hearts which is funding our hobbies. We all know that managing finances is key to building wealth, but what about the fun stuff? How much should you allocate to fund your hobbies without breaking the bank? Let’s dive in. 1. Understand Your Financial Situation […]

7 Ways to Avoid Emotional or Revenge Spending

Hello Grasshoppa, In today’s world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of emotional or revenge spending. Whether it’s to cope with stress, seek temporary happiness, or even retaliate against someone or something, these impulsive spending habits can wreak havoc on your financial health. But fear not! With a few mindful practices and strategies, you […]

Prioritizing Your Debts: Should You Pay Off Your House or Car Loan First?

Hello Grasshoppa, In today’s post, let’s unravel a common financial dilemma on which loan should be prioritized – your house or car loan. Firstly, let’s acknowledge the significance of both assets in your life. Your home offers stability and potential appreciation, while your car provides mobility and convenience. So, how do you decide where to […]

Why You Might Struggle to Save Money

Hello Grasshoppa, Saving money is a common financial goal for many individuals including myself but it often remains elusive despite our best intentions. If you find yourself in a perpetual cycle of struggling to save, you’re not alone. There are several reasons why saving money can be challenging, but understanding these barriers is the first […]