Exploring New Horizons, Cultures, and BJJ Adventures

Hello Grasshoppa, One of my life goals is to travel the world and explore new countries. In 2023, I managed to visit two new countries, a departure from my usual travel routine of returning to Thailand annually for my comfort zone trip. Despite revisiting Thailand in 2023, I made a personal commitment to explore countries […]

The Psychology of Spending: Why We Buy What We Don’t Need

Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever splurged on something & wondered later, “Why did I buy this?” It turns out that our spending habits are deeply tied to psychology—driven by emotions, marketing tricks, & societal norms. Let me walk you through how these forces work & how to take control of your spending. 1. Emotional Spending […]

2023 In Review & Aspirations For 2024

Hello Grasshoppa, 2023 has passed, and now we find ourselves at the beginning of 2024, where many of us are setting our New Year resolutions. It’s always good to have resolutions, but sticking to them is more important to ensure we can achieve what we’ve planned. There’s something I often share with my loved ones […]

9 Reasons Why You Can’t Save Money

Hello Grasshoppa, Most of our parents and schools teach us about saving from a young age. How many of us manage to build these habits from childhood into our adult lives? I remember having my savings jar, “tabung,” but it was always empty. In fact, my saving habits improved as I approached my late twenties […]

9 Common Investment Mistakes You Want To Avoid

Hello Grasshoppa, Over my years of investing, I have learned a lot of valuable lessons that have helped me in my investing journey. These lessons have not only made me a better investor but also helped me avoid mistakes I used to make when I started investing. People often think you need to be an […]

How Much I Spent To Compete In BJJ Worlds Event

Hello Grasshoppa, This post was in my draft since February 2022 when I started planning to compete in one of the biggest Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) events in the world. As a reader of my blog, you guys should already know my passion for BJJ where I train, coach & compete actively. It is always my […]

9 Ways To Take Control Of Your Finances Immediately

Hello Grasshoppa, I often hear people talking about how hard it is to take control of their finances as they don’t know where to begin. Handling their finances can be too complicated which leads to multiple rash decisions made by them which can be right or wrong. For some, they drown themselves in debt & […]

Why I Prefer Online Shopping Over In-Store Purchases

Hello Grasshoppa, As I examine my recent shopping patterns, I’ve noticed a gradual shift from in-store shopping to online shopping over the years. I can’t recall my last local in-store purchase because, for local shopping, I have completely transitioned to online channels. I only resort to in-store purchases when I’m traveling. When I began to […]

My Take On The Current State Of Digital Payments In Malaysia

Hello Grasshoppa, We are currently living in a state where the majority of our payments are made through e-wallets, particularly the Touch’nGo (TNG) e-wallet. Even when we dine at hawker stalls, we can easily pay for our meals using TNG. I can’t remember the last time I withdrew cash from my bank account; however, there […]

Can You Live Off Your Dividend Income?

Hello Grasshoppa, When you invest in stocks, your aim is to profit from your investment in the long run, whether by earning dividend income or selling your stocks as they appreciate in value. This is the difference between value and growth stocks, where one focuses on returning profits to investors, while the other prioritizes reinvesting […]