How Much You Need For Your Retirement

Hello Grasshoppa, It is often a question when you ask someone that is embarking on a FIRE Journey how much they need to retire. They will usually give you a total amount but if you asked in detail why they need that much, they will give you a calculation based on their projected annual income […]

Starting Your Own Business vs Stocks Investment. Which Is Better?

Hello Grasshoppa, Did you know that investing in stocks is considered as part of owning a business as technically it means that you are part-owner of the company? The number of stocks you have purchased will determine the percentage of ownership you have in that company. The more stocks you have, the higher your percentage […]

How I Became A Self Taught Investor

Hello Grasshoppa, Do you prefer to have professionals manage your investment, or do you prefer to manage your own investment? I used to think that investment is tough to understand & it is a common misconception among many people. Sometimes when I asked my friends to invest, their answer is always that they don’t know […]

The Best & Worst Investment Advice That I Have Ever Received

Hello Grasshoppa, Since I was young, I have gotten a lot of investment advice from many people. Some of them have changed my view on investments in a good way while some of them have brought a negative light towards my investment journey. Advice and opinion is always free but varies as some of them […]

2021 Personal Finance & Investment View From My BJJ Friends

Hello Grasshoppa, My Saturday is always BJJ training & spending time with my BJJ family. It is a bit unusual for me this time around as my coach has just left back to his home country to take over his father business & I am taking up the role as a BJJ coach alongside with […]

How I Build My First RM100,000 Investment Portfolio In Less Than 3 Years

Hello Grasshoppa, How hard is it to build an RM100,000 investment portfolio? After I cleared my debts & began my investment journey, the only thing that was in my mind was to grow my wealth towards retirement. I barely had any deep knowledge towards investment hence starting to invest in the beginning was daunting. In […]

Why I Invest In Stocks

Hello Grasshoppa, There are times where I am having a dilemma on whether or not my investment journey is really worth it. Can I really achieve my goal of having financial freedom? Or will all my financial sacrifices account for nothing? Each month, I will be allocating a chunk of my money to invest into […]