Hello Grasshoppa, As per headline, you hear it loud & clear “Stop Investing Now. The Market is Bad”. With all our so called “experts” creeping our ears with such info, do you think now is a bad time to invest? Looking at the current market situation, with the global situation of Trade Wars happening between […]
What Can You Do With Your Year End Bonus?
Hello Grasshoppa, We are heading towards the end of the year & this is the time where all of us are looking forward for either a long holiday or the year end bonus. For those with family & kids, this is the time for you to bring your loved ones for a holiday especially with […]
#BBMGetInspired with Stev Yong from My Personal Finances
Hello Grasshoppa, In this small community of personal financial bloggers, most probably we will know each other or eventually know each other. Recently I’ve been connected to another Penang-Kia named Stev Yong who is the founder of My Personal Finances or MyPF. If you have ever been to their website, you are able access many […]
9 Common Misconceptions About Investing
Hello Grasshoppa, When we talk about investment with our friends & family, there’s a chance where you will meet a “Guru” that will speak their mind about investing but the fact is, they know nothing about investment or they have yet to invest a single cent of their money on investment. Sometimes you may bump […]
The Best Investment I Have Ever Made
Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever thought about the best investment you ever made? Investment can be in the form of monetary & also in the form of time where you are putting in effort to learn something new in life. Investment in terms of monetary includes growing your wealth or learning something to improve yourself […]
What Is Your Net Worth?
Hello Grasshoppa, During my recent Black Belt Money & Habits Podcast recording session, a guest of mine have discussed on an interesting topic about net worth. This is something I do keep track on my own net worth all the time. We know that the standard calculation to calculate your net worth is to take […]
The App That I Use To Manage My Money & Investments
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, someone asked me about how do I manage my money & investment since I’ve been talking a lot about Personal Finance & Investment. But do I really manage my money like how I preach it? Some people may feel offended with such question but honestly I’m glad that such question was asked […]
Getting Your Monthly Salary. How Should You Reward Yourself?
Hello Grasshoppa, Getting your monthly salary is something that most of us usually look forward to whether it’s beginning of the month or end of the month. During our working hours, our monthly salary is something that we will always look forward to. Why? To some of us, it may be because of our hardwork […]
Is It Worth It To Invest In Mutual Fund?
Hello Grasshoppa, Is it worth it to invest in Mutual Fund? This is a common argument among many investors & investment gurus about how bad or good mutual fund is but when we look at the history of mutual fund in Malaysia, company like Public Mutual is ranked the best Mutual Fund company in Malaysia […]
What StashAway Have Taught Me About Retirement Planning
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently StashAway & BBM collaborated on their first event in Penang to share on How To Plan For Your Retirement. Over 60 people have RSVP for this event & the turnout rate is quite good for their first event in Penang. They have similar events like this in KL on weekly basis where they will […]