Hello Grasshoppa, There are lots of EPF features that have been introduced over the years & this is by far one of the best features by EPF for individuals that do not know what to invest in but want to earn higher interest than a fixed deposit. In Malaysia, we have been introduced to many types […]
11 Financial Rules You Need In Your Life
Hello Grasshoppa, I have been blogging for more than 4 years as part of capturing & sharing my retirement & financial independence process with you. I have written over 250 posts in these 4 years but never about my personal finance rules. Although it is part of my daily life & activities, these rules have […]
Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) vs i-Saraan. Which Is Better?
Hello Grasshoppa, A few weeks ago when I wrote about i-Saraan, I wanted to compare both Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) & EPF i-Saraan for your better understanding. As both are considered voluntary contribution schemes, which is a better choice for you? Below I have listed some of the differences between both PRS & i-Saraan: The overall […]
Option For Self-Employed To Contribute To Your EPF Account Via i-Saraan
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently I stumbled upon i-Saraan when I was in the KWSP office to run an errand. Even though it was introduced a while ago, the scheme seems less popular, or perhaps it is just something I am unaware of. What Is i-Saraan? It is a voluntary contribution program with a retirement incentive for […]
Everything You Need To Know On EPF’s i-Lindung
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, EPF has announced that members are allowed to purchase insurance via their platform by using members EPF Account 2. This is actually good news to many Malaysians, especially for those who do not have any insurance protection. Personally, I did not realize the importance of insurance until when I was 27 years […]
My Top 5 Personal Finance & Investment Apps That I Can’t Live Without
Hello Grasshoppa, We live in a world where technology is so advanced that everything can be accessible in the palm of our hands. As long as you have a smartphone, you can be updated on your friend’s latest status, the world’s latest news, play games, watch videos & many more. Depending on how you use […]
Should You Consider Withdrawing Your EPF Savings For 2022?
Hello Grasshoppa, EPF has recently announced a Special Withdrawal facility effective 1st April 2022. As of my writing, there are not many details announced yet on the procedure but members below age 55 can withdraw as low as RM50 & up to a maximum of RM10,000. Members are required to utilize their EPF Account 2 […]
Is Your EPF Enough For Retirement?
Hello Grasshoppa, EPF withdrawals have been making headlines since the pandemic started. Due to the pandemic, the Malaysian government has allowed withdrawals such as i-Citra, i-Lestari & i-Sinar where Malaysians are able to withdraw a certain amount of money. Due to the withdrawals of many Malaysians due to financial issues, loss of jobs, or other […]
With The Ongoing Pandemic, How Are You Adapting To Change?
Hello Grasshoppa, With the current situation, time is actually our best friend. For those who work from home, we spend lesser time on the road which helps us save between 1-2 hours a day. For those who are unable to work due to the MCO, how well are you utilising your time? Since the beginning […]
2021 Personal Finance & Investment View From My BJJ Friends
Hello Grasshoppa, My Saturday is always BJJ training & spending time with my BJJ family. It is a bit unusual for me this time around as my coach has just left back to his home country to take over his father business & I am taking up the role as a BJJ coach alongside with […]