Types Of Income That Will Help Your FIRE Journey

Hello Grasshoppa, I am currently on my FIRE journey, and I have 6 years left before I officially retire to travel the world. It is a goal that I set for myself before I started writing my blog years ago. Writing BBM not only helped me to record my journey & share it with all […]

What Have I Learnt So Far From My FIRE Journey

Hello Grasshoppa, I don’t remember the exact date or year when I decided to start my FIRE journey but I do remember my Eureka moment and it was when I read The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. The book explains a lot about how we can work with minimum working hours yet we are […]

Financial Freedom Roadmap

Hello Grasshoppa, We often hear people talked about achieving financial freedom someday & it is often something we hear from someone that does direct selling. Or maybe you’ve heard it from me if you’ve been following my blog. Do you share the same common dream where you plan to retire & won’t have any worries […]

Should You Save More or Earn More For Your Early Retirement?

Hello Grasshoppa, There’s always a debate on whether or not you should save more or earn more? When I was young & started to work, my mindset was to always earn as much as possible until I am able to buy anything I want including the best cars, biggest house & all branded stuff. That […]

Is FIRE Movement Possible For Malaysian?

Hello Grasshoppa, What is FIRE Movement & what is it all about? My personal understanding of FIRE Movement comes from Mr. Money Mustache but after further research, I realized that it was originated by Vicki Robin who is the author of Your Money or Your Life. It is part of my bucket list books to […]