Hello Grasshoppa, Global market has been on a tough ride due to the pandemic since the last Global Economic Crisis. Many gurus have predicted this will happen but they couldn’t tell when. Last I heard was when Trump got elected as the President Of United States, some have predicted that this may cause the next […]
Lifeline In Financial Planning (Guest Post)
FINANCIAL PLANNING IN 4 STAGES OF LIFELINE. “When you are doing the right thing, you are getting closer to your goal; when you are listening to the right input, you are getting clearer about your vision.” Financial needs continually change throughout an individual’s lifetime. Many people follow similar financial pattern during their life. However, everyone […]
How Much Money B40, M40 & T20 Can Potentially Receive From Covid-19 Economic Stimulus Package
Hello Grasshoppa, Based on the recent PM announcement, most Malaysians are benefiting from the Covid-19 Economic Stimulus Package. Today, I will be breaking it down on the estimated amount of money that each household income is able to receive. Just a brief sharing which I’m sure many of you are aware of, Malaysian household incomes […]
Catching A Falling Knife. Is Buying AirAsia Stocks A Good Decision?
Hello Grasshoppa, As I am writing this post, I am currently on a flight to KL to conduct a talk on my experience as a former MMA fighter & my journey in staying fit. If you have followed by blog so far, you may have noticed this is the first time I am writing specifically […]
Paying Debt vs Investment. Which Should Be Your Priority?
Hello Grasshoppa, Common question that I am getting from people that are in debt but still wanting to invest their money is, “Should I invest first or pay my debt first?”. If you are in debt, yet have the desire to invest, which will be your priority? That was my question as well when I […]
A Reflection Of 2019. What Went Well & What Have I Learnt?
Hello Grasshoppa, As we are heading towards 2020, I would like to take this time to reflect what have went well in 2019 & what have I learnt. As each year goes by, I am always positive & grateful on things that went well in my life. One of my believes is, we should always […]
My 2020 New Year Resolution
Hello Grasshoppa, As I am writing this post, I just completed my final BJJ competition of the year in Bangkok & currently I’m in Phuket for my 1 week BJJ training camp. It’s been 6 years since I was last here & the streets have changed so much. 6 years ago, I stayed here for […]
What Can You Do To Have Better Financial Planning In 2020
Hello Grasshoppa, 2020 is a few days away & we are approaching closer to 2020, I was thinking on what can we all do to have better financial planning in 2020? I had a thought of seeking other personal finance & investment experts for their advise. So I started to text most of my personal […]
Why Is It Important To Start Investing Early
Hello Grasshoppa, Investing can be a lifelong journey for you & if you start early, you may able to benefit from it. Even if you start investing late in your life, it will still be a good start for you. Starting to invest early may not be easy especially if we have lesser cash in […]
How Much Have Investment Changed Over The Years In Malaysia
Hello Grasshoppa, Watching The Wolf of Wall Street reminds of those days where people used to trade by using phone calls & watching TV screen to monitor stock prices. This was one of the few things I remembered when I was young watching other adult looking at their TV screen to monitor on stock prices […]