Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I was one of the panelists alongside Suraya (Ringgit Oh Ringgit) & Ken (HSBC) moderated by Roshan Kanesan (RinggitPlus). Being part of the HSBC webinar has definitely been a momentous experience since I started my blog. With the attendance of over 400 people, I am glad to hear lots of positive feedback […]
Is The 4% Rule Still Applicable For Your Retirement Planning?
Hello Grasshoppa, The ideal amount that I need to retire is to have RM4 million by the age of 40 with no debts. Once I have retired, I will be traveling the world & I aim to travel to at least 200 countries before I die. It is just 5 years from now before my […]
Should You Spend Your Money To Learn About Investment From Online Guru?
Hello Grasshoppa, Prior to the pandemic, most of our social media feed is filled with sponsored posts by companies or gurus that will teach you how to invest via their investment courses. Usually, you will be paying a small amount of money or getting a free preview of their courses at a hotel in […]
Should You Invest With Online Investment Platforms That Are Not Approved by The Securities Commission of Malaysia?
Hello Grasshoppa, Over the years, I was approached by multiple investment platforms for collaboration via my affiliate link or paid post. I have successfully collaborated with a few but there are also many that I have chosen not to collaborate with. Usually, the investing platforms are those platforms that I personally use & it is […]
How Much You Need For Your Retirement
Hello Grasshoppa, It is often a question when you ask someone that is embarking on a FIRE Journey how much they need to retire. They will usually give you a total amount but if you asked in detail why they need that much, they will give you a calculation based on their projected annual income […]
The Best & Worst Investment Advice That I Have Ever Received
Hello Grasshoppa, Since I was young, I have gotten a lot of investment advice from many people. Some of them have changed my view on investments in a good way while some of them have brought a negative light towards my investment journey. Advice and opinion is always free but varies as some of them […]
Why I Invest In Stocks
Hello Grasshoppa, There are times where I am having a dilemma on whether or not my investment journey is really worth it. Can I really achieve my goal of having financial freedom? Or will all my financial sacrifices account for nothing? Each month, I will be allocating a chunk of my money to invest into […]
Stock Market Trading Is At An All-Time High. Should We Be Optimistic In Certain Industries or Look Into The Valuation?
Hello Grasshoppa, Have your trading websites been crashing recently? I remembered buying stocks from Rakuten twice within this month and I have noticed many notification errors in the web, slow loading time, failure to connect to server & other similar issues. It is crazy especially when I am trying to buy some stocks but it […]
What Can You Do With Your Investment & Money During Political Instability & Covid-19 Situation
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, Malaysia is experiencing a political turmoil with the resignation of Tun Mahathir followed by a formation of a new government by the opposition & some other political parties. This situation has caused most of us to be on our mobile phone refreshing some online webs & bugging all our friends to get […]
Catching A Falling Knife. Is Buying AirAsia Stocks A Good Decision?
Hello Grasshoppa, As I am writing this post, I am currently on a flight to KL to conduct a talk on my experience as a former MMA fighter & my journey in staying fit. If you have followed by blog so far, you may have noticed this is the first time I am writing specifically […]