My Experience Being Part Of HSBC Wealth Webinar Panelist

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I was one of the panelists alongside Suraya (Ringgit Oh Ringgit) & Ken (HSBC) moderated by Roshan Kanesan (RinggitPlus). Being part of the HSBC webinar has definitely been a momentous experience since I started my blog. With the attendance of over 400 people, I am glad to hear lots of positive feedback […]

How Much You Need For Your Retirement

Hello Grasshoppa, It is often a question when you ask someone that is embarking on a FIRE Journey how much they need to retire. They will usually give you a total amount but if you asked in detail why they need that much, they will give you a calculation based on their projected annual income […]

The Best & Worst Investment Advice That I Have Ever Received

Hello Grasshoppa, Since I was young, I have gotten a lot of investment advice from many people. Some of them have changed my view on investments in a good way while some of them have brought a negative light towards my investment journey. Advice and opinion is always free but varies as some of them […]

Why I Invest In Stocks

Hello Grasshoppa, There are times where I am having a dilemma on whether or not my investment journey is really worth it. Can I really achieve my goal of having financial freedom? Or will all my financial sacrifices account for nothing? Each month, I will be allocating a chunk of my money to invest into […]