How Much You Need For Your Retirement

Hello Grasshoppa, It is often a question when you ask someone that is embarking on a FIRE Journey how much they need to retire. They will usually give you a total amount but if you asked in detail why they need that much, they will give you a calculation based on their projected annual income […]

The Best & Worst Investment Advice That I Have Ever Received

Hello Grasshoppa, Since I was young, I have gotten a lot of investment advice from many people. Some of them have changed my view on investments in a good way while some of them have brought a negative light towards my investment journey. Advice and opinion is always free but varies as some of them […]

Why I Invest In Stocks

Hello Grasshoppa, There are times where I am having a dilemma on whether or not my investment journey is really worth it. Can I really achieve my goal of having financial freedom? Or will all my financial sacrifices account for nothing? Each month, I will be allocating a chunk of my money to invest into […]

#BBMGetInspired with Stev Yong from My Personal Finances

Hello Grasshoppa, In this small community of personal financial bloggers, most probably we will know each other or eventually know each other. Recently I’ve been connected to another Penang-Kia named Stev Yong who is the founder of My Personal Finances or MyPF. If you have ever been to their website, you are able access many […]