Is Credit Card Your Best Friend Or Enemy?

Hello Grasshoppa, Is credit card your best friend or enemy? It is a common debate that many people have as some may find credit cards to be bad while some actually think that it can be your best friend when used well. Whether it is good or evil, it provides you with the same function […]

Turning Your Passion Into Income

Hello Grasshoppa, How often do you see someone being able to turn their passion into a steady income stream? Personally, I do not hear of this often enough, which could be because they often perceive their passion negatively and do not see the money-making potential in what they enjoy doing. Take your career as an […]

5 Subscription Hacks Will Save You Money

Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post, I have written about How Will Your Monthly Subscriptions Affect Your Financial & one of the details that I touched on was to source cheaper options. Over the years, I have subscribed & unsubscribed to many platforms until recently when I moved to a new house & bought a new TV, […]

10 Ways To Save Money With Almost No Effort

Hello Grasshoppa, Saving money can be difficult sometimes but there are ways you can save with minimal or no effort at all. In our daily lives, we should look for ways to capitalise & save even a small amount of money. It is just like our parents or grandparents walking into the morning market to […]

Types Of Income That Will Help Your FIRE Journey

Hello Grasshoppa, I am currently on my FIRE journey, and I have 6 years left before I officially retire to travel the world. It is a goal that I set for myself before I started writing my blog years ago. Writing BBM not only helped me to record my journey & share it with all […]

BBM Jar Investment Challenge

Hello Grasshoppa, We are approaching the second half of the year & I am sure everyone is still as motivated to stay on course in your financial journey. Sometime last year, this was the time where things started to loosen after 3 months of tough MCO. The good news is, most of us are getting […]

Home Renovation Hacks That Will Save You Money

Hello Grasshoppa, Many years ago, I bought my second home after I managed to completely clear my debts. My house was empty for a while as it was purely for investment purpose until I housed a friend there for 4 months during the first MCO when he lost his job. After he started his new […]

How Have My Spending Change Since The Pandemic Started

Hello Grasshoppa, Since the pandemic started & we had to go through multiple MCO, what are the biggest change in your spending? The most obvious that we observed is on our online shopping. Personally, I am not the biggest online shopping guy but while getting my new house fully ready, I am spending my money […]

How I Became A Self Taught Investor

Hello Grasshoppa, Do you prefer to have professionals manage your investment, or do you prefer to manage your own investment? I used to think that investment is tough to understand & it is a common misconception among many people. Sometimes when I asked my friends to invest, their answer is always that they don’t know […]

#BBMGetInspired with Uncle Foo (Viral Shopee Seller)

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently Uncle Foo became viral from the power of social media when one good samaritan tweeted about his Shopee store & his sales have gone up from just 1 to 2 products a month to thousands of products sold. Never underestimate the power of social media as many news include good or bad […]