Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever thought about which should be your priority? Should you work to earn extra income or should you save your money better? Generally, many people will pick earning extra income as their priority. Agree? When I was young, I always have the impression where as long as I have more money, […]
Are You Really That Rich?
Hello Grasshoppa, In today’s society, we tend to consider people that drive luxury cars or having expensive watches rich, but are they really as rich as they portray themselves to be? I remembered many years back when my friend bought himself a new Honda Civic but as I know, his salary was around RM3,500. Estimated […]
New Robo-Advisor In Town That Will Turn Your Spare Change Into Investment
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently I found something interesting in my social media platform about a Robo-Advisor that can turn my spare change into investment. This concept is not something new in the world as there is a similar platform in the USA called Acorns. I’ve been fascinated by the concept of Acorns where they will invest […]
Why I Invest In Stocks
Hello Grasshoppa, There are times where I am having a dilemma on whether or not my investment journey is really worth it. Can I really achieve my goal of having financial freedom? Or will all my financial sacrifices account for nothing? Each month, I will be allocating a chunk of my money to invest into […]
Stock Market Trading Is At An All-Time High. Should We Be Optimistic In Certain Industries or Look Into The Valuation?
Hello Grasshoppa, Have your trading websites been crashing recently? I remembered buying stocks from Rakuten twice within this month and I have noticed many notification errors in the web, slow loading time, failure to connect to server & other similar issues. It is crazy especially when I am trying to buy some stocks but it […]
What Can You Invest With RM100 or Lesser
Hello Grasshoppa, One of the earliest posts when I started to write my blog is What Can You Invest With RM1000. That was in February 2018. It is crazy to know that BBM Blog have been active for the past 2 years & BBM is rated as one of the best personal finance websites in […]
How To Start Your Investment Journey Without A Financial Planner
Hello Grasshoppa, In my many encounters with friends & family, it is common to hear them expressing their interest to invest but they don’t know how to & where to begin. It is easier said than done especially when they are making money-related decisions. Many people opt for easier options where they just want to […]
#BBMGetInspired with Jessen Ong aka Jessen Jambang / #BBMBerinspirasi Bersama Jessen Jambang
Hello Grasshoppa, In this week’s interview, I am privileged to have an old friend of mine that I’ve known since my gym started. Fast forward a few years later, he is also a gym owner & an active competitor like me. We even travelled to Bangkok last year for a competition. With the recent branding […]
Should You Save More or Earn More For Your Early Retirement?
Hello Grasshoppa, There’s always a debate on whether or not you should save more or earn more? When I was young & started to work, my mindset was to always earn as much as possible until I am able to buy anything I want including the best cars, biggest house & all branded stuff. That […]
My Top 5 Investments With The Best Profit In 2019
Hello Grasshoppa, From time to time, I will be going through my investment portfolio to check on my investment profitability. There will also be time where I will be doing some rebalancing on my investment portfolio but I never actually got into detail on my yearly profit. The current uncertainties & rough situation in the […]