How To Invest In Gold In Malaysia

Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post on What Can You Invest With RM1000, I have shared on where can you buy Gold via Bank or other platform. Today we will be looking at How To Invest in Gold in Malaysia. Before we start, lets watch a mind blowing video on some Interesting Fact about Gold & […]

What Is P2P Lending & How Can Malaysian Benefit From It?

Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever thought of borrowing money to someone & getting your money returned with interest? Or if you are a business owner, have you ever face any difficulty getting your business loan approved? This situation may relate to some of us in our daily life. What if I tell you that there is […]

You Can Own A Business With Investment As Low As RM200

Hello Grasshoppa The subject might sound abit deceiving especially we hear our friend tell us all the time that we can be our own business owner by joining their direct selling company or by investing in “Money Game”. Rest assure Grasshoppa. This is not a direct selling or “Money Game” investment. If I tell you […]

You Can Own A New Property With As Low As RM3000

Hello Grasshoppa As the housing cost are rising beyond affordable level, most of you are having second thoughts on purchasing your new home. Be it your first home or second home, current house prices can be really pricey especially for those that resides in city area. Imagine if you want to purchase a second hand […]

Invest In PRS & Earn RM1000 For Youth Between Age 20-30

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) was introduced in 2012. Its a voluntary long-term savings & investment scheme that designed to help to you save extra for your retirement. The administration behind PRS is Private Pension Administrator (PPA). Why is PRS important to you? It helps you to save more to prepare you for your retirement. You […]

Your Official Guide On How To Invest In Mutual Funds In Malaysia

In my post What Can You Invest With RM1000, I made a brief introduction on Mutual Fund. So what is Mutual Fund? Its a Professional Managed Fund that collects pool of money & invest in stocks, bonds & other securities. Below are the Types of Mutual Fund that you can Invest in Malaysia : Equity […]

What Can You Invest With RM1000

Hello Grasshoppa, To some of you that are new to Investing, we usually think that Investment involve lots of Money or you might think that’s where the Rich got Richer right? What if I tell you that you can Invest with small amount of Money? If you have RM1000 now, this is what you can […]

Is This The End of Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrency?

Hello Grasshoppa, Is Cyryptocurrency a Bubble? Did Bitcoin takes a rocket ship up then jumps off with no parachute? Whenever we are on our favorite Social Media, we will see a “Sponsored Ad” that talks about Bitcoin. Or we will have our long lost friend that never “JIO” you for anything but suddenly he wants […]