Navigating Malaysia’s Retirement Dilemma and Building a Secure Future

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, the Malaysian government has stated that Malaysians need to have at least RM240,000 in savings when they reach 55 years old. This will allow them to have RM1,000 for the next 20 years until age 75 based on the average Malaysian lifespan. Based on that article, Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim has also stated […]

Status & Wealth. Which Is More Important?

Hello Grasshoppa, I recently came across a social media post discussing the difference between Status Symbols and Wealth Symbols. This post prompted me to reflect on today’s society and the significance these symbols hold for many people. I also took the opportunity to introspect about my lifestyle. Below, I’ll explain what each set of symbols […]

Quantifying Your Financial Goals Using The SMART Financial Goals

Hello Grasshoppa, Most of us have a financial plan that we use as a guideline for our financial goals. Some can be as detailed as quantifying the actual numbers & some can just be as simple as wanting to live comfortably. Both can be good or bad depending on how one looks at his/her financial […]

How To Build Good Spending Habits

Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post on How To Live A Rich Life With Your Current Income, I touched on how you can spend your money on your passion or hobby. To summarize, it’s all about allocating a certain percentage of your money toward what you enjoy, allowing for guilt-free spending. You may read more on that […]

How To Live A Rich Life With Your Current Income

Hello Grasshoppa, There are many ways for us to define how rich we or other individuals are. The most significant way of defining rich people is by how they dress or what car they drive. Maybe some of them are truly rich, but some actually put themselves in debt just to impress others who don’t […]

How I Find The Perfect Credit Card to Suit My Needs

Hello Grasshoppa, With the discontinuation of the AirAsia credit card, I was struggling to find a replacement credit card that is able to suit my lifestyle. While the Sutera credit card is an option, I find it to be rather a mediocre card for my needs. Perhaps for some users, this is the best credit card […]

How To Take Advantage Of The Depreciation Of Malaysia Ringgit

Hello Grasshoppa, With the depreciation of the Malaysia Ringgit, there will be excellent & harmful impacts on Malaysians. The cost of imported goods will increase as a result of weaker Ringgit & if you are buying imported goods, you will be paying more than what you used to pay in the past. Exporters that are […]

What I Wish I Knew About Money Growing Up

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I have asked myself, what should I know about money as I was growing up? I did not learn anything about money management until I started my reading habits after I was desperate to find ways to escape from my financial debts. Growing up, my mum only mentioned to me that, I […]

Goodbye AirAsia Credit Card

Hello Grasshoppa, I wrote Why Should You Apply For AirAsia Credit Card 2 months ago, but 2 months later, I received terrible news on what will happen to AirAsia’s credit card. This is truly bad news for me since the card has been really useful & rewarding. Since I used this card, I have redeemed a […]

How I Plan My Spending Around Touch’nGo E-Wallet

Hello Grasshoppa, Many years ago when I was writing about e-wallets, I endorsed multiple e-wallets of my choice such as Boost & GrabPay. When Boost started to launch & when they had their “shake” cashback, I was one of the biggest fans until they changed their rewards system which also led to the loss of […]