Hello Grasshoppa, Want to find an indirect way to pay your spouse their monthly allowance while ensuring that they have extra savings? Introducing EPF i-Sayang which is an initiative introduced by the government to allow the contributor (husband) to transfer 2% of their employee share contribution received from the employer to the receiver (wife) EPF […]
Ways To Keep Your Family Financially Protected After Your Death
Hello Grasshoppa, There will be a point in our lives when we will have thoughts of how can we plan for our family or loved ones just in case something happens to us. Occasionally, my mind wonders what will happen to my assets in my absence. When I was 19, I remembered this struggle my […]
My Honest Review Of Wise Travel Card
Hello Grasshoppa, On my latest holiday to Thailand, I managed to use my Wise Card to help my traveling in terms of better exchange rates & also cash withdrawals. Over the years, I have been using my BigPay & AirAsia credit card for my traveling & holiday, but with the benefits featured on the Wise website, […]
Why Being ‘Fake Rich’ Can Make You Broke Later
Hello Grasshoppa, We may have people around us that put the extra effort to look rich just to impress themselves or the people around them. There are also people who “reward” themselves with luxury goods with a certain achievement or milestone by putting themselves in debt. Unfortunately, I used to be one of them. I […]
How To Have A Good Credit Score
Hello Grasshoppa, Credit Score is a score on how healthy your financials is based on your payment behavior and a prediction of how likely you are to pay a loan back on time based on information from your credit reports. It is based on your credit or payment history related to credit cards & loans. To […]
Is “Save Now, Buy Later” A Gimmick?
Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post on Is “Buy Now, Pay Later” Good For Malaysians, I shared my view on how I think it is good if we can use it well & how it is terrible if we abuse it. In today’s post, I will share my view on “Save Now, Buy Later” (SNBL). Recently, I […]
Why You Should Sweat Over The Small Stuff
Hello Grashoppa, Almost every one of us has this idea of making lots of money from everything we do like in our business or investment. Especially when it comes to business ideas, I heard many of my friends want to explore businesses that can make them big money. The problem is, these grand ideas may […]
11 Financial Rules You Need In Your Life
Hello Grasshoppa, I have been blogging for more than 4 years as part of capturing & sharing my retirement & financial independence process with you. I have written over 250 posts in these 4 years but never about my personal finance rules. Although it is part of my daily life & activities, these rules have […]
How Much Does Clean Eating Cost Me?
Hello Grasshoppa, I have been eating clean on & off for the past few years, but I can’t be consistent with it due to many factors. As I am aging & getting older, one of my priorities in life is to be fitter & healthier. My passion for combat sports has changed my lifestyle a […]
How I Overpaid RM2800 On My Citibank Credit Card
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I received an email from Citibank on my unclaimed money even though I have stopped subscribing to any of their services for a while now. This email surprised me, especially since I had already canceled my credit card 3 years ago with them. My first thought was that it was a scam […]