Hello Grasshoppa, In the world of finance, one principle stands out as a true game-changer: compound interest. This seemingly simple concept has the potential to turn modest savings into significant wealth over time. Today, let’s explore how compound interest works & why starting early is the key to financial growth. What Is Compound Interest? Compound interest is […]
Mastering Your Finances: Top Budgeting Tools & Techniques for Malaysians in 2025
Hello Grasshoppa, Budgeting can be the key to unlocking financial freedom. But mastering it requires both smart techniques & the right tools. At the beginning of each year or towards the year’s end, we always have a new year resolution on how can you set goals on what you plan to achieve in the new […]
Dollar-Cost Averaging: A Move for Investing Success
Hello Grasshoppa, I have a secret to share with you today on a powerful wealth-building strategy that’s often overlooked or underestimated: Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting on your journey to financial freedom, understanding and implementing DCA can make a significant difference in your long-term financial success. Many years ago […]
Start Investing In 2023 In 3 Easy Steps
Hello Grasshoppa, We are in a new year & I guess some of you have decided to finally take your first step to invest. The only problem is, you think that it is too complicated & you don’t know how to invest, correct? If yes, then this post is definitely for you to kickstart your […]
How To Stay Motivated When Investing
Hello Grasshoppa, Throughout my years of investing, there are times when investing can be boring especially when it becomes a routine. Don’t get me wrong. The whole point of investing is about making it a routine & automating it so that you are able to invest consistently based on your investment goals. It can also […]
Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) vs i-Saraan. Which Is Better?
Hello Grasshoppa, A few weeks ago when I wrote about i-Saraan, I wanted to compare both Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) & EPF i-Saraan for your better understanding. As both are considered voluntary contribution schemes, which is a better choice for you? Below I have listed some of the differences between both PRS & i-Saraan: The overall […]
Investing In Foreign Stocks & ETF With FSMONE
Hello Grasshoppa, In my experience of investing with unit trust, FSMOne (formerly known as Fundsupermart) was the second investment platform that I used to invest in unit trust. Prior to that, I used to invest with Public Mutual. My experience with FSMOne has always been good but during that time, their main focus was purely […]
Is The 4% Rule Still Applicable For Your Retirement Planning?
Hello Grasshoppa, The ideal amount that I need to retire is to have RM4 million by the age of 40 with no debts. Once I have retired, I will be traveling the world & I aim to travel to at least 200 countries before I die. It is just 5 years from now before my […]
Investment Portfolio Suggestions That You Can Build Within Your Budget
Hello Grasshoppa, There is a common question that many of my readers, family & friends have asked me on the suggested investment portfolio that I will recommend for them. My recommendation is always based on the investment that I personally invest in or believe in. Over the years, one of my highly recommended investment platforms […]