Gearing Up Your Investment Towards Recession

Hello Grasshoppa, There are multiple sources have mentioned that we are entering a recession soon. Recession periods are usually tough periods for many as we will be seeing the global economic downturn, higher unemployment rate, high inflation rate & bear market. It is truly an uncertain period of time from the trade wars between China-USA, […]

How To Stay Motivated When Investing

Hello Grasshoppa, Throughout my years of investing, there are times when investing can be boring especially when it becomes a routine. Don’t get me wrong. The whole point of investing is about making it a routine & automating it so that you are able to invest consistently based on your investment goals. It can also […]

My HelloGold 4 Years Investment Update

Hello Grasshoppa, It’s been more than 3 years since I invested with HelloGold. Prior to investing with them, I invested in gold via CIMB Gold which I later sold to pay for my car deposit. My investment with them started in July 2019 after I met the team to discuss a possible collaboration. After the meeting, […]

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) vs i-Saraan. Which Is Better?

Hello Grasshoppa, A few weeks ago when I wrote about i-Saraan, I wanted to compare both Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) & EPF i-Saraan for your better understanding. As both are considered voluntary contribution schemes, which is a better choice for you? Below I have listed some of the differences between both PRS & i-Saraan: The overall […]

What Can I Do To Afford A Nomadic Life

Hello Grasshoppa, I am currently on a holiday & training on the beautiful island of Phuket, I am starting to be in love with this beautiful island despite being here from time to time over the past few years. Being able to retire, spread my love for BJJ & live a nomad life has always […]

How Much Did I Spend On My Self Development Over The Years?

Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever thought about how much you have invested in yourself over the years? This thought actually came to me, especially since I had a realization of wanting to invest in my own self-development more after investing most of my money into investment & my other business. Prior to starting my blog, […]

My Experience Being Part Of HSBC Wealth Webinar Panelist

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I was one of the panelists alongside Suraya (Ringgit Oh Ringgit) & Ken (HSBC) moderated by Roshan Kanesan (RinggitPlus). Being part of the HSBC webinar has definitely been a momentous experience since I started my blog. With the attendance of over 400 people, I am glad to hear lots of positive feedback […]

Should You Consider Withdrawing Your EPF Savings For 2022?

Hello Grasshoppa, EPF has recently announced a Special Withdrawal facility effective 1st April 2022. As of my writing, there are not many details announced yet on the procedure but members below age 55 can withdraw as low as RM50 & up to a maximum of RM10,000. Members are required to utilize their EPF Account 2 […]