Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post on My Top 5 Things, I Regret Buying, I touched on my compulsive buying & things that I’ve regretted buying due to poor judgment. In this post, I will be sharing My Top 5 Best Purchases That Have Changed My Life. Talking about spending money, all of us spend […]
Gearing Up Your Investment Towards Recession
Hello Grasshoppa, There are multiple sources have mentioned that we are entering a recession soon. Recession periods are usually tough periods for many as we will be seeing the global economic downturn, higher unemployment rate, high inflation rate & bear market. It is truly an uncertain period of time from the trade wars between China-USA, […]
How To Stay Motivated When Investing
Hello Grasshoppa, Throughout my years of investing, there are times when investing can be boring especially when it becomes a routine. Don’t get me wrong. The whole point of investing is about making it a routine & automating it so that you are able to invest consistently based on your investment goals. It can also […]
Investing In Foreign Stocks & ETF With FSMONE
Hello Grasshoppa, In my experience of investing with unit trust, FSMOne (formerly known as Fundsupermart) was the second investment platform that I used to invest in unit trust. Prior to that, I used to invest with Public Mutual. My experience with FSMOne has always been good but during that time, their main focus was purely […]
My Top 5 Personal Finance & Investment Apps That I Can’t Live Without
Hello Grasshoppa, We live in a world where technology is so advanced that everything can be accessible in the palm of our hands. As long as you have a smartphone, you can be updated on your friend’s latest status, the world’s latest news, play games, watch videos & many more. Depending on how you use […]
My Experience Being Part Of HSBC Wealth Webinar Panelist
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I was one of the panelists alongside Suraya (Ringgit Oh Ringgit) & Ken (HSBC) moderated by Roshan Kanesan (RinggitPlus). Being part of the HSBC webinar has definitely been a momentous experience since I started my blog. With the attendance of over 400 people, I am glad to hear lots of positive feedback […]
Is The 4% Rule Still Applicable For Your Retirement Planning?
Hello Grasshoppa, The ideal amount that I need to retire is to have RM4 million by the age of 40 with no debts. Once I have retired, I will be traveling the world & I aim to travel to at least 200 countries before I die. It is just 5 years from now before my […]
What I’ve Learned From Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad At 19 & In My Late 20s
Hello Grasshoppa, When I started to work as a direct selling agent, one of the d books that was recommended by my leader was Rich Dad Poor Dad. During each weekly team meeting, they always emphasized retiring earlier & direct selling was the “way” for them to achieve it. During that time, I did not […]
Are You Having FOMO Whenever There Is Investment Opportunities?
Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever experienced FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out, whenever there are new investment opportunities? I for one felt FOMO when I’ve missed out on the latest investments. I invested in some of it & I did pass many of it as well. This feeling is common not only for investing but […]
Should You Spend Your Money To Learn About Investment From Online Guru?
Hello Grasshoppa, Prior to the pandemic, most of our social media feed is filled with sponsored posts by companies or gurus that will teach you how to invest via their investment courses. Usually, you will be paying a small amount of money or getting a free preview of their courses at a hotel in […]