These 5 Purchases Have Changed My Life

Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous post on My Top 5 Things, I Regret Buying, I touched on my compulsive buying & things that I’ve regretted buying due to poor judgment. In this post, I will be sharing My Top 5 Best Purchases That Have Changed My Life. Talking about spending money, all of us spend […]

Gearing Up Your Investment Towards Recession

Hello Grasshoppa, There are multiple sources have mentioned that we are entering a recession soon. Recession periods are usually tough periods for many as we will be seeing the global economic downturn, higher unemployment rate, high inflation rate & bear market. It is truly an uncertain period of time from the trade wars between China-USA, […]

How To Stay Motivated When Investing

Hello Grasshoppa, Throughout my years of investing, there are times when investing can be boring especially when it becomes a routine. Don’t get me wrong. The whole point of investing is about making it a routine & automating it so that you are able to invest consistently based on your investment goals. It can also […]

Investing In Foreign Stocks & ETF With FSMONE

Hello Grasshoppa, In my experience of investing with unit trust, FSMOne (formerly known as Fundsupermart) was the second investment platform that I used to invest in unit trust. Prior to that, I used to invest with Public Mutual. My experience with FSMOne has always been good but during that time, their main focus was purely […]

My Experience Being Part Of HSBC Wealth Webinar Panelist

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I was one of the panelists alongside Suraya (Ringgit Oh Ringgit) & Ken (HSBC) moderated by Roshan Kanesan (RinggitPlus). Being part of the HSBC webinar has definitely been a momentous experience since I started my blog. With the attendance of over 400 people, I am glad to hear lots of positive feedback […]

Are You Having FOMO Whenever There Is Investment Opportunities?

Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever experienced FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out, whenever there are new investment opportunities? I for one felt FOMO when I’ve missed out on the latest investments. I invested in some of it & I did pass many of it as well. This feeling is common not only for investing but […]