Hello Grasshoppa, Have your trading websites been crashing recently? I remembered buying stocks from Rakuten twice within this month and I have noticed many notification errors in the web, slow loading time, failure to connect to server & other similar issues. It is crazy especially when I am trying to buy some stocks but it […]
What Can You Invest With RM100 or Lesser
Hello Grasshoppa, One of the earliest posts when I started to write my blog is What Can You Invest With RM1000. That was in February 2018. It is crazy to know that BBM Blog have been active for the past 2 years & BBM is rated as one of the best personal finance websites in […]
How To Start Your Investment Journey Without A Financial Planner
Hello Grasshoppa, In my many encounters with friends & family, it is common to hear them expressing their interest to invest but they don’t know how to & where to begin. It is easier said than done especially when they are making money-related decisions. Many people opt for easier options where they just want to […]
My Top 5 Investments With The Best Profit In 2019
Hello Grasshoppa, From time to time, I will be going through my investment portfolio to check on my investment profitability. There will also be time where I will be doing some rebalancing on my investment portfolio but I never actually got into detail on my yearly profit. The current uncertainties & rough situation in the […]
Personal Finance Survival Tips You Can Apply During Covid-19 Pandemic
Hello Grasshoppa, Another week has passed by & we are still hoping that this pandemic situation will be over soon. Sometimes, it feels like the world is coming to an end, yet I still try to remain positive and hope that everything will be back to the way it was, soon enough. This is the […]
My Spending Trend During MCO
Hello Grasshoppa, Second month into the MCO & not sure if 9th June will be the end of the MCO but I am starting to get used to the new normal. Or maybe I am just trying my best to focus on what I can control instead of what I can’t. I remember during the […]
Why Is It Important To Have Multiple Sources Of Income
Hello Grasshoppa, Based on my previous post on Financial Lessons Takeaway During The Covid-19 Pandemic Situation, I would like to share more on the importance of having additional sources of income. In the current Covid-19 situation, many of us are feeling the impact & some are even facing unemployment. Many businesses are struggling & some […]
Financial Lessons Takeaway During The Covid-19 Pandemic Situation
Hello Grasshoppa, As I am writing this, I’ve just heard the announcement from our PM on the latest MCO extension which is scheduled until 9th June 2020. There are over 6.64 million people that have started their work & he expects more industries to be able to start their work soon. With the limitation of […]
How I Stay Productive During MCO
Hello Grasshoppa, With the extension after extension of our MCO, it seems that we are getting used to the new normal. In one of the books that read entitled The 4-Hour Work Week, the author Tim Ferris mentioned about the increase of productivity with shorter working hours & working from different locations. Honestly, it sounded […]
The New Normal In Financial Planning (Guest Post)
Learning to think about “The new normal” in financial planning of post Covid-19 The COVID-19 War Is A Process Not An Event How bad is the impact of coronavirus to the world now? Lockdown has been the effective measurement taken so far, how long should it be, 8 weeks or more? Once you start pulling […]