Personal Finance Survival Tips You Can Apply During Covid-19 Pandemic

Hello Grasshoppa,

Another week has passed by & we are still hoping that this pandemic situation will be over soon. Sometimes, it feels like the world is coming to an end, yet I still try to remain positive and hope that everything will be back to the way it was, soon enough. This is the time where we can see how fragile each human life is & the importance of having good health. Having extra cash savings or even a job also helped us to survive through this situation. As we can see, many business are affected as our spending trends have changed & many operating cost have increased.

Personal Finance Survival Tips You Can Apply During Covid-19 Pandemic 1

As we are all going through this “New Normal” or survival mode, what are the best personal survival tips that we can apply during this pandemic?

Spend On What You Need And Not What You Want
What we really need right now is to have food on the table & essentials to survive this period. Any extra spending towards non essentials may not be our priority as there are so many uncertainties right now. Maybe for some of us that have extra savings or even a job, we may have lesser stress in this situation but it is important for us to spend wisely due to the uncertainty.

Saving On E-Commerce Shopping
I know this can be an addiction to many of us. Since we can’t shop comfortably in shopping malls with the risk of being infected, most of us are opting for online shopping. To be honest, stuff that are sold in those e-commerce platforms can be tempting & reasonably priced, but do you really need it? Are you keeping track on the expenses or what you actually shopped online?

Personal Finance Survival Tips You Can Apply During Covid-19 Pandemic 2

Cooking or Tapau Instead Of Food Delivery
Food delivery is a good option for those who want to eat their favorite hawker or restaurant food but the delivery rates or food price can be high at times. Rather than paying higher fee for delivery, we can also opt for takeaways. If you are looking to cut down your cost, cooking is the best option for you. It actually helped me to save a lot although I still order food delivery sometimes.

Downgrade Or Cancel Your Subscription
I think many people may have a tough decision on this. What are the subscription that you are not using often? It can be from high speed internet downgrade to lower speed. Your phone plan that used to be on those higher plan but you are not fully utilizing it. Or your existing subscription such as Astro or other programs.

Personal Finance Survival Tips You Can Apply During Covid-19 Pandemic 3

Seeking A New Business Venture Or Job
During this pandemic, many think that it is tough to start a new business. It is true for certain businesses but at the same time, there is certain demand for certain products and services. Take a piece of paper & pen, draft your best business idea based on the current demand. You may actually be able to launch some businesses in this situation. I’ve noticed some of my friends started selling cookies or cakes online. Or if starting a business is not something you like to get your hands on, you may also seek for other online jobs. You just have to search for it.

Conclusion :

A situation like this has taught us many lessons when it comes to meaning of life & what is important in our lives. I am pretty sure this situation have changed us a lot & we are slowly coping to the “New Normal”. My trip to Vietnam got cancelled & I am not sure when will be my next holiday or competition. Best case scenario for all of us right now is to ensure we spend wisely & ensure we and everyone around us is staying safe.



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