Alternative Investment To Enhance Your Current Investment Portfolio

Hello Grasshoppa, Few days ago, I had a catch-up session with my mentor & he asked me about my view on Mutual Fund. His other question was what are the alternatives if he is looking to diversify his investment portfolio. He mentioned that he heard something about P2P Financing but he has very little idea […]

9 Principles To Ensure Your Investment Is Profitable

Hello Grasshoppa, Everyone always hope or want their investment to be profitable. Isn’t that true? Yes I know, I may sound funny when I asked this question. But come to think about it, everyone wants their investment to be profitable but do they know how? Do they have a basic principle or set of rules […]

10 Easy Ways To Make Extra Money in Malaysia

Hello Grasshoppa, With the rise of cost of living, many people are struggling or looking for options to earn extra money to sustain their standard of living. In fact, most Malaysians are actually struggling especially for Fresh Grads. Imagine starting to work with your salary & you still have to pay your PTPTN loan. Many […]

How To Be A Risk Taker Like Richard Branson

Hello Grasshoppa, When we think about Richard Branson, the first thing that will go through our mind will be Virgin Group. The Virgin Group was founded by Sir Richard Branson in 1970 & currently there are more than 400 companies under the Virgin Group umbrella. Having poor academic performance due to dyslexia, his school principle […]

4 Effective Ways To Save Money From Your Daily & Monthly Spending

Hello Grasshoppa, Received your salary & start thinking about how to spend your salary? Or having thoughts on how to keep money with your current monthly commitment? Do you think your salary is not high enough to keep up with the commitment? This is something some of us might struggle everyday or every month. At […]

Is P2P Financing Worth To Invest In A Bad Economy?

Hello Grasshoppa, In my recent post on 7 Things You Can Do To Survive A Falling Market, I have shared details on what can you do to survive a falling market. With the current economic situation, the market seems to be in a volatile mode where we can’t predict where it will be heading. One […]

How Does The Power Of Compounding Helps The Growth Of Your Money

Hello Grasshoppa, What is so special about this quote & How Can The Power of Compounding Helps The Growth of Your Money? This will bring us to the Introduction to The Power of Compounding What is The Power Of Compounding? The Power of Compounding is a snowball effect where your investment will generate earnings & […]