My BFM Interview Experience

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently I participated in Ringgit & Sense Podcast interview alongside Kevin Neoh (Licensed Financial Planner) from VKA Wealth & Roshan Kanesan, the host of BFM Ringgit & Sense. Being part of Ringgit & Sense definitely feels like a dream to me as I’ve been listening to their podcast over the years. One thing […]

How Can Budget 2021 Benefit Malaysian?

Hello Grasshoppa, 2020 has been a rough year for many of us especially with the Trade Wars, change of government &tje global pandemic that is hitting the world. Month by month passes by & now we are approaching the end of 2020. Last year we heard the previous Pakatan Harapan government presenting us with quite […]

The New Normal In Financial Planning (Guest Post)

Learning to think about “The new normal” in financial planning of post Covid-19 The COVID-19 War Is A Process Not An Event How bad is the impact of coronavirus to the world now? Lockdown has been the effective measurement taken so far, how long should it be, 8 weeks or more? Once you start pulling […]

What Is Your Net Worth?

Hello Grasshoppa, During my recent Black Belt Money & Habits Podcast recording session, a guest of mine have discussed on an interesting topic about net worth. This is something I do keep track on my own net worth all the time. We know that the standard calculation to calculate your net worth is to take […]

12 Best Personal Finance Apps For Malaysian 2019

Hello Grasshoppa, Budget Planning, Managing Money & Investment have never been easier with the latest technology & mobile app. Some of you might remember or have came across someone that write their expenses or savings amount in a notebook. Or maybe you are actually the one that track your expenses or savings with a notebook. […]