Hello Grasshoppa, I have been blogging for more than 4 years as part of capturing & sharing my retirement & financial independence process with you. I have written over 250 posts in these 4 years but never about my personal finance rules. Although it is part of my daily life & activities, these rules have […]
Gearing Up Your Investment Towards Recession
Hello Grasshoppa, There are multiple sources have mentioned that we are entering a recession soon. Recession periods are usually tough periods for many as we will be seeing the global economic downturn, higher unemployment rate, high inflation rate & bear market. It is truly an uncertain period of time from the trade wars between China-USA, […]
How I Overpaid RM2800 On My Citibank Credit Card
Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I received an email from Citibank on my unclaimed money even though I have stopped subscribing to any of their services for a while now. This email surprised me, especially since I had already canceled my credit card 3 years ago with them. My first thought was that it was a scam […]
Why Can’t We Quit Our Jobs & Live Our Best Lives?
Hello Grasshoppa, Growing up, I noticed that many people especially foreigners travel the world in their 20s to 30s after quitting their job. They can be from just a normal blue-collar worker to white-collar workers that took some time off from their profession to travel the world. Usually, their travel period is between 3 months […]
How To Stay Motivated When Investing
Hello Grasshoppa, Throughout my years of investing, there are times when investing can be boring especially when it becomes a routine. Don’t get me wrong. The whole point of investing is about making it a routine & automating it so that you are able to invest consistently based on your investment goals. It can also […]
My HelloGold 4 Years Investment Update
Hello Grasshoppa, It’s been more than 3 years since I invested with HelloGold. Prior to investing with them, I invested in gold via CIMB Gold which I later sold to pay for my car deposit. My investment with them started in July 2019 after I met the team to discuss a possible collaboration. After the meeting, […]
Celebrating My Gym 10 Years Anniversary With A New Venture
Hello Grasshoppa, This year marks my 10th years anniversary of the gym that I co-founded with my partner back in 2012. Over the past few years, we never had thought to expand or grow our gym as we think that our current gym is enough to cater to our members. As years go by & […]
What Can I Do To Afford A Nomadic Life
Hello Grasshoppa, I am currently on a holiday & training on the beautiful island of Phuket, I am starting to be in love with this beautiful island despite being here from time to time over the past few years. Being able to retire, spread my love for BJJ & live a nomad life has always […]
Beating Inflation By Doing These 5 Things
Hello Grasshoppa, We are currently in a situation where the prices of goods are getting more expensive & we are paying a higher price for everything generally. It is a sad situation where the price of goods is rising but our salary still remains the same. The rise in prices is partly due to war, […]
Investing In Foreign Stocks & ETF With FSMONE
Hello Grasshoppa, In my experience of investing with unit trust, FSMOne (formerly known as Fundsupermart) was the second investment platform that I used to invest in unit trust. Prior to that, I used to invest with Public Mutual. My experience with FSMOne has always been good but during that time, their main focus was purely […]