Hello Grasshoppa, Do you feel life is unfair when you see others are doing better than you? Do you feel unfair when you feel that you are supposed to be in that position where your colleagues are sitting right now? Or when you were young, do you feel unfair when you see other kids are […]
So You’ve Already Achieved Your Personal Finance Milestone. What’s Next?
Hello Grasshoppa, While writing this post, I am currently in Koh Lipe for the 3rd time. Many years ago, I remembered coming here with a low budget on accommodation & food. I ended up staying in just an average room with limited daily budget for my daily meal. Best part of that trip was, the […]
My Early Financial Mistake & What Should You Do To Avoid These Mistake
Hello Grasshoppa, If you read my previous post, you may come across some post where I shared briefly on the Financial mistake that I made when I started working. Aside from PTPTN Debt & Personal Loan Debt, I got myself into Credit Card Debt not once but twice. It may sound shocking to you especially […]
A Simple Guide For Financial Planning 2019
Hello Grasshoppa, Most of us may have a New Year Resolution to start our New Year. It can be from losing weight (LOL. Its the most common resolution including mine), having better financial, getting your well deserved promotion & many others. Before you continue reading, lets take some time to reflect on your 2018 Financial […]
10 Qualities Of A Great Leader At Your Work Place
Hello Grasshoppa Stuck at your work & being unhappy about your work? Being scolded by your ‘BOSS’ for something that you did wrong? Nearly everyday people will complain complain about how bad their leader is. But honestly, is your leader that bad? Here are some of the Best Qualities of a Great Leader at your […]
Invest In Yourself. Its The Most Powerful Investment With The Greatest Return
INVESTING in YOURSELF is one of the best tools to improve your life. It can be from learning something new or adopting a new lifestyle. What makes it the most powerful investment with the greatest return? It depends on how much effort you put in, you are able to change the quality of your life […]