9 Habits That Will Make You Rich

Hello Grasshoppa, Most of us have a life goal to achieve & one of it is to be rich. Many people might be exploring some ways to be rich but aside from working hard & working smart, what habit do you need to be rich? Before we proceed further on the 9 Habits That Will […]

#BBMGetInspired with Ing Hong aka The Stockmonger

Hello Grasshoppa, A few weeks ago, I got in touched with Ing Hong aka The Stockmonger via Facebook on a possible meet up in Penang. After a short chat with him, I realized he is also a Penang based Personal Finance & Investment Blogger originally from Labuan. Throughout my BBM Blogging journey, I’ve always thought that I’m […]

8 Fun Facts About Warren Buffett

Hello Grasshoppa, Warren Buffett is well known as one of The Greatest Investors of All Time. But how much we really know about Warren Buffett? I will be covering 8 Fun Facts About Warren Buffett just for all of you to know him better. Before we move to the Fun Fact about him, lets look at […]

Alternative Investment To Enhance Your Current Investment Portfolio

Hello Grasshoppa, Few days ago, I had a catch-up session with my mentor & he asked me about my view on Mutual Fund. His other question was what are the alternatives if he is looking to diversify his investment portfolio. He mentioned that he heard something about P2P Financing but he has very little idea […]

9 Principles To Ensure Your Investment Is Profitable

Hello Grasshoppa, Everyone always hope or want their investment to be profitable. Isn’t that true? Yes I know, I may sound funny when I asked this question. But come to think about it, everyone wants their investment to be profitable but do they know how? Do they have a basic principle or set of rules […]

4 Effective Ways To Save Money From Your Daily & Monthly Spending

Hello Grasshoppa, Received your salary & start thinking about how to spend your salary? Or having thoughts on how to keep money with your current monthly commitment? Do you think your salary is not high enough to keep up with the commitment? This is something some of us might struggle everyday or every month. At […]

11 Useful Guide To Select The Best Stocks

Hello Grasshoppa, We have many friends that would love to try their hands in stocks investment but usually they will mentioned that they have no experience & knowledge in stocks investment. The thing is, if you have no experience or knowledge, what should you do? There are many ways for you to acquire knowledge in […]