Hello Grasshoppa, Growing up, I noticed that many people especially foreigners travel the world in their 20s to 30s after quitting their job. They can be from just a normal blue-collar worker to white-collar workers that took some time off from their profession to travel the world. Usually, their travel period is between 3 months […]
How I Spend & Save On Shopee
Hello Grasshoppa, When I recently looked into the breakdown of my monthly expenses, I noticed that one of my highest spendings is on Shopee. For the past 6 months, I have spent between RM500-RM1000 each month on this platform. As a huge believer in spending wisely, I do not usually spend money on shopping unless […]
Why Is Grab My Preferred Super App?
Hello Grasshoppa, Malaysia is currently riding on the super app wave where we are seeing multiple big names trying to build up their super app to cater to the needs of fellow Malaysians. Grab has got to be one of the first to offer the super app deal while Shopee and Air Asia are not […]
How To Save Money By Spending Money
Hello Grasshoppa, Optimizing my expenses or looking for ways to save money is always a practice that I do constantly. If you often analyze your expenses, you will find ways to save money. Sometimes, some of the ways of saving money come from just minimizing expenses but some may also come from spending extra & […]
Websites & Apps That Can Help You Save Money
Hello Grasshoppa, Since the pandemic started, many of us have transitioned to online shopping for convenience. During this period, some of us tend to spend more especially when there is so much attractive stuff out there. Most probably you will see stuff that you never need or use anymore lying down somewhere in your house […]
What You Should Know Before Filing Your 2021 Income Tax
Hello Grasshoppa, It is that time of the year again to file our income tax for most eligible Malaysians. Personally, I prefer to file it as early as possible just to get it done & also to ensure that I am able to receive a refund for my overpaid taxes. To be honest, this year’s […]
Principles Of Purchasing That Will Save You Money
Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever wanted to buy something so badly without having to wait for a potential sale or promotion? I know I have, but as many of us know, we shouldn’t buy based on a compulsive decision but rather we should give it a day or two before we make our purchase. Most […]
How To Live Frugally Without Looking Cheap
Hello Grasshoppa, As humans, we sometimes get judgemental towards how frugal or cheap someone is. Some people often equate being frugal as being cheap. To me, living frugally does not mean that they are cheap. Living frugally means that they have controlled spending & avoid spending money unnecessarily. Each of us has a frugal side […]
Personal Finance Guide For Young Adults
Hello Grasshoppa, Many years ago, when I first started working, I had no clue about financial literacy & the best part of all, I had zero knowledge on how to invest. Back then, I spent most of my money on entertainment like drinking to partying, piling up credit cards & other unnecessary debts. As a […]
What I’ve Learned From Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad At 19 & In My Late 20s
Hello Grasshoppa, When I started to work as a direct selling agent, one of the d books that was recommended by my leader was Rich Dad Poor Dad. During each weekly team meeting, they always emphasized retiring earlier & direct selling was the “way” for them to achieve it. During that time, I did not […]