How To Fund Your Passion

Hello Grasshoppa, In my previous previous few posts, I have touched on Turning Your Passion Into Income & also Why Should You Invest In Your Passion. In both posts, what was lacking was the actual process on “How To Fund Your Passion?”. Over the years, the investment of my passion was particularly in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu where I have […]

What Has Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Taught Me On Investment

Hello Grasshoppa, How does Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) relate to investment? When I started my blog, I decided to name it based on my 2 ultimate life goals. Firstly, is to be a BJJ Black Belt & secondly, is to become a millionaire. After 3 years of writing this blog, I am still not a BJJ […]

Lessons I Learned From My Gym Business

Hello Grasshoppa, The past few weeks have been busy for me with my old gym dismantling, new gym renovation & moving. It has been a tiring journey for me but seeing a glimpse of how the new gym is shaping up really gets me excited. I started my gym with my business partner in 2012 […]

How I Stay Productive During MCO

Hello Grasshoppa, With the extension after extension of our MCO, it seems that we are getting used to the new normal. In one of the books that read entitled The 4-Hour Work Week, the author Tim Ferris mentioned about the increase of productivity with shorter working hours & working from different locations. Honestly, it sounded […]

How I Started My E-Commerce Store

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I have successfully launched my e-commerce store Black Belt Tape during the MCO. It took me more than 6 months of planning, sourcing, testing & launching the product. To be honest, it is harder than what I expected it to be but the result of the website & product are pretty satisfying. […]

My 2020 New Year Resolution

Hello Grasshoppa, As I am writing this post, I just completed my final BJJ competition of the year in Bangkok & currently I’m in Phuket for my 1 week BJJ training camp. It’s been 6 years since I was last here & the streets have changed so much. 6 years ago, I stayed here for […]

The Best Investment I Have Ever Made

Hello Grasshoppa, Have you ever thought about the best investment you ever made? Investment can be in  the form of monetary & also in the form of time where you are putting in effort to learn something new in life. Investment in terms of monetary includes growing your wealth or learning something to improve yourself […]

Do You Have Work-Life Balance?

Hello Grasshoppa, We always hear the term work-life balance everywhere especially during our 9-5 job. Ask back yourself, do you have a work-life balance? In Malaysia, we are known to be one of the most hardworking people & we do take our job seriously. PS : It’s my personal opinion but I strongly believe it […]

Do You Feel Life is Unfair?

Hello Grasshoppa, Do you feel life is unfair when you see others are doing better than you? Do you feel unfair when you feel that you are supposed to be in that position where your colleagues are sitting right now? Or when you were young, do you feel unfair when you see other kids are […]

Is 24 Hours Really Enough For Us?

Hello Grasshoppa, We always hear that some people around us may mention that they don’t have time. It can be from working out, reading or basically just anything. Is it really an excuse or it’s because we have limited time? Come to think about it. We have 24 hours a day. That’s the fact that […]