Why You Should Sweat Over The Small Stuff

Hello Grashoppa, Almost every one of us has this idea of making lots of money from everything we do like in our business or investment. Especially when it comes to business ideas, I heard many of my friends want to explore businesses that can make them big money. The problem is, these grand ideas may […]

11 Financial Rules You Need In Your Life

Hello Grasshoppa, I have been blogging for more than 4 years as part of capturing & sharing my retirement & financial independence process with you. I have written over 250 posts in these 4 years but never about my personal finance rules. Although it is part of my daily life & activities, these rules have […]

How Much Does Clean Eating Cost Me?

Hello Grasshoppa, I have been eating clean on & off for the past few years, but I can’t be consistent with it due to many factors. As I am aging & getting older, one of my priorities in life is to be fitter & healthier. My passion for combat sports has changed my lifestyle a […]

How I Overpaid RM2800 On My Citibank Credit Card

Hello Grasshoppa, Recently, I received an email from Citibank on my unclaimed money even though I have stopped subscribing to any of their services for a while now. This email surprised me, especially since I had already canceled my credit card 3 years ago with them. My first thought was that it was a scam […]

Top 5 Things I Regret Buying

Hello Grasshoppa, Over the years, I have spent compulsively multiple times due to my poor financial judgment. Some of it cost lots of money & some of it not so much. With the accumulation of these spendings, the total amount may amount to a lot which could have been used to invest & perhaps earn […]

Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) vs i-Saraan. Which Is Better?

Hello Grasshoppa, A few weeks ago when I wrote about i-Saraan, I wanted to compare both Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) & EPF i-Saraan for your better understanding. As both are considered voluntary contribution schemes, which is a better choice for you? Below I have listed some of the differences between both PRS & i-Saraan: The overall […]

Beating Inflation By Doing These 5 Things

Hello Grasshoppa, We are currently in a situation where the prices of goods are getting more expensive & we are paying a higher price for everything generally. It is a sad situation where the price of goods is rising but our salary still remains the same. The rise in prices is partly due to war, […]

How Can Fear & Greed Make You Poor?

Hello Grasshoppa, Since my last 3 posts on investment  & general scams which I wrote years ago, it has helped to spread some level of awareness to fellow Malaysians & it reached a point where the company actually emailed me to compensate me for removing the post in exchange for money (which I didn’t accept). You […]

Should You Consider Withdrawing Your EPF Savings For 2022?

Hello Grasshoppa, EPF has recently announced a Special Withdrawal facility effective 1st April 2022. As of my writing, there are not many details announced yet on the procedure but members below age 55 can withdraw as low as RM50 & up to a maximum of RM10,000. Members are required to utilize their EPF Account 2 […]